Saturday, September 22, 2018

Citizen Scientists Are Welcomed to Help Nasa and TES Classify New Planets!

NASA Kepler Research

Planet Hunter Express by JLC

Citizen scientists and amateur planet hunters are encouraged to aid NASA's search for new planetary systems and perhaps help us find life in other places in our universe. The Kepler Mission and offers a first time opportunity in the history of mankind for citizen scientists and amateur astronomers to help discover new planets. Beginning in 2009, the first Kepler Mission has successfully identified thousands of planets in other star systems that include: giant gas planets, mini neptunes, water worlds and many rocky super earths.

These studies have made history and support the advancement in newly evolving planetary science fields. Nasa needs your help to classify the overwhelming amount of data received and people like you often find planets that technology used may sometimes overlook. We now have two sets of data available from the K1 & K2 Missions and citizen scientists are encouraged to work with NASA's brand new TESS data that is constantly downlinked to earth today.

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